On an otherwise peaceful evening during her first night on the job, a lone night shift janitor finds herself in an unexpected fight for survival when she becomes the target of sinister masked intruders. As their disturbing motives become clearer, she must use her crafty instincts and barbaric violence to make it through the night alive.
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Horror | Thriller
Festivals and Awards

...simplicity allows directors Greg Swinson and Ryan Thiessen to cut straight to the thrills, creating a sustained level of suspense and violence throughout. It makes for an effective and often breathless experience…
...a no-holds-barred siege film with an unkillable emotional core.
...a gory horror film designed to grow goosebumps on your arms and churn the inside of your stomach.
...an exceptionally tense and unnerving film. Sweeping camerawork, tantalizing set pieces, and an easy protagonist to root for makes [HUNT HER, KILL HER] one of the most engaging experiences of the year.
About the Filmmakers
Greg Swinson’s passion for filmmaking started at age 11 with his first short, Scorpion: Day of Darkness, which featured his 8-year old brother as a Rambo-inspired action hero. A few years later, he decided to make a movie based on his favorite video game: Mortal Kombat. Ryan Thiessen heard about the project and wanted in, introducing him to the world of VHS filmmaking. The two quickly realized their shared passion for movie making went well beyond creating realistic fight scenes, but to crafting interesting stories that challenged the expected storyline we so often see.